
1970 Ampeg
Gemini-22 Restoration Project
Page 2

Custom caps - Getting started on the chassis

Since the original multi-section caps for this amp aren't made anymore, I built a custom stand-off set-up here.

Much better

Notice I used the original cardboard filter-cap housing with a fresh multi-section cap from CE Distribution. There was also a lot more cleaning done at this point. Note the shiny chassis.

Power Board

Replaced out of spec and failed coupling and electrolytic caps on the power board. Getting closer to testing . . .


Cleaning up the front panel. The grime is going away . . . it's starting to take shape.

Footswitch repair before and after

I went ahead and cleaned the footswitch housing then removed the wire "extension" resoldering the original cable. The push-buttons functioned great once cleaned.

Ampeg GV-22 Restoration Page 3

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